How to Use Safely a Fire Extinguisher: A Step-by-Step Guide | Fire Pause

Aug 04, 2023
Safety Guide
How to Use Safely a Fire Extinguisher: A Step-by-Step Guide | Fire Pause


Fire extinguishers are essential safety devices that can prevent small fires from escalating into significant emergencies. Knowing how to use a fire extinguisher properly can make a crucial difference in protecting lives and property. In this guide, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of using a fire extinguisher effectively and safely.

Step 1: Assess the Situation

Before attempting to use a fire extinguisher, assess the fire's size and severity. If the fire is large, spreading rapidly, or presents any risk to your safety, evacuate immediately and call emergency services. Only use a fire extinguisher on small, manageable fires.
Step 2: Choose the Right Fire Extinguisher
Different types of fire extinguishers are designed to combat specific classes of fires. The common types include Class A, B, C, and K extinguishers. Choose the appropriate extinguisher based on the fire's source:
Class A: Use for fires involving ordinary combustibles like wood, paper, and cloth.
Class B: Suitable for flammable liquids such as gasoline, oil, or grease fires.
Class C: Designed for electrical fires involving live electrical equipment.
Class K: Used for fires in commercial kitchens involving oils and fats.
Ensure you have the right type of fire extinguisher for the fire you are dealing with.

Step 3: Remember the PASS Technique
The PASS technique is an easy-to-remember method for using a fire extinguisher effectively:
• P: Pull the Pin: Start by pulling the safety pin or tamper seal located on the extinguisher's handle. This will enable you to discharge the extinguishing agent.
• A: Aim at the Base: Point the nozzle or hose at the base of the fire, not the flames. Focusing on the base helps extinguish the source of the fire.
• S: Squeeze the Handle: Firmly squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent. Keep the extinguisher upright while doing this.
• S: Sweep Side to Side: Use a sweeping motion to disperse the extinguishing agent evenly over the fire. Continue sweeping until the flames are fully extinguished.

Step 4: Maintain a Safe Distance
While using the fire extinguisher, stand at a safe distance from the fire to avoid heat and potential debris. Maintain a distance of around 6 to 8 feet (1.8 to 2.4 meters) from the fire to protect yourself.

Step 5: Be Prepared for Re-ignition
After using the extinguisher
, be prepared for the fire to re-ignite. If the fire reignites, repeat the steps above or evacuate immediately if the situation becomes unmanageable.

Step 6: Evacuate if Necessary
If the fire grows beyond your ability to control it or you feel unsafe, prioritize your safety and evacuate immediately. Close doors behind you to slow down the fire's spread and call emergency services to report the situation.

Step 7: After Using the Fire Extinguisher
After the fire has been extinguished, carefully inspect the area to ensure there are no hidden flames or hot spots. Keep the fire extinguisher in a readily accessible location and have it recharged or replaced after use.

Knowing how to use a fire extinguisher is a crucial life-saving skill. By following the steps outlined in this guide and employing the PASS technique, you can effectively combat small fires and protect yourself and others. Remember, safety is the top priority, and if in doubt, evacuate and call for professional help. Properly using a fire extinguisher can make a significant difference in preventing fires from turning into disasters.


How often should fire extinguishers be inspected and maintained?
Fire extinguishers should be inspected monthly to ensure they are in proper working condition. Additionally, they should undergo professional maintenance annually or as recommended by the manufacturer.
Can I use a water extinguisher on an electrical fire?
No, using water on an electrical fire can be dangerous. Electrical fires require a Class C or multipurpose (ABC) fire extinguisher that is non-conductive to electricity.
What should I do if I can't put out the fire with a fire extinguisher?
If you can't extinguish the fire using a fire extinguisher or if the fire is spreading, evacuate immediately, and call emergency services.
Can I use a fire extinguisher on a grease fire in the kitchen?
Yes, for grease fires, use a Class K fire extinguisher specifically designed for fires involving oils and fats commonly found in commercial kitchens.
Are fire extinguishers safe to use for everyone?
While fire extinguishers are generally safe to use, it's essential to remember that their proper use requires training. Consider taking a fire safety course to learn how to use extinguishers correctly.