Water Fire Extinguisher | 2kg, 4kg, 6kg, and 9kg

(2 reviews)
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Inhouse product

Rs1,200.00 - Rs2,000.00 /KG
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4.5 out of 5.0
(2 reviews)
  • Krishna


    Water Fire Extinguishers and professional installation services, Highly recommended for reliable fire safety solutions, because it's fire extinguisher installation is very fast

    Variation : 2
  • Viraj singh


    Great service ?

    Variation : 2
A water fire extinguisher is a widely used and essential fire safety device that utilizes water as its extinguishing agent. It is designed primarily to combat Class A fires, which involve ordinary combustible materials like wood, paper, fabrics, and plastics. Water extinguishers are known for their simplicity, effectiveness, and environmental friendliness, making them a popular choice for various settings, including homes, offices, schools, and public spaces.

How Water Extinguishers Work:
When activated, the water fire extinguisher releases a focused stream or spray of water onto the burning material. The water helps to cool down the flames rapidly, reducing the heat below the ignition point and hindering the fire's ability to spread. Additionally, water assists in smothering the fire by diluting the oxygen around the burning material, further suppressing combustion.

Benefits and Limitations:
One of the main advantages of water fire extinguishers is their accessibility and affordability. They are readily available and relatively inexpensive, making them suitable for widespread use. Moreover, water is non-toxic and leaves no harmful residue, making it an environmentally friendly choice.

However, water extinguishers have certain limitations. They should not be used on fires involving flammable liquids (Class B fires), electrical equipment (Class C fires), or cooking oils (Class K fires). Using water on these types of fires can lead to hazardous consequences, such as electrical shock, fueling the flames, or spreading hot oil, which can escalate the fire.

Safe Usage and Maintenance:
To ensure the water extinguisher's effectiveness, it is essential to have it regularly inspected and serviced by a qualified professional. Routine checks verify the pressure levels and the extinguisher's overall condition, guaranteeing that it functions correctly when needed.

Users should also be aware of their surroundings and the specific fire hazard they might face. If the fire is beyond their control or poses a risk, evacuating the area and calling for professional help is the safest course of action.

There are two main types of water fire extinguishers:

1. Pressurized Water Fire Extinguisher: This type of extinguisher contains water that is pressurized with nitrogen or air. When activated, it releases a focused stream or spray of water onto the fire to cool down the flames and suppress the fire's ability to spread. Pressurized water extinguishers are designed for Class A fires, involving ordinary combustible materials like wood, paper, fabric, and plastics.

2. Water Mist Fire Extinguisher: Water mist extinguishers use deionized water that is sprayed as fine droplets. These droplets vaporize quickly, creating a cooling mist that suffocates the fire by reducing the oxygen around it. Water mist extinguishers are versatile and suitable for Class A, B, C, and F fires, making them effective against a wide range of fire hazards, including flammable liquids, electrical equipment, and cooking oils.

Both types of water fire extinguishers are effective and environmentally friendly options for suppressing fires, but it's important to use the appropriate type based on the specific fire hazard to ensure safety and effectiveness.

In conclusion, water fire extinguishers are valuable tools for combating Class A fires and are a vital component of fire safety measures in homes, businesses, and public spaces. Proper education and training on their usage, combined with knowledge of fire classification, are crucial for safely handling fire emergencies and preventing potential hazards.